Click HERE it take the DMI survey by April 10th!
- Vigil Mass: Saturday at 4:30 PM
- Sunday Mass: 7:30,10:30 AM
- Daily Mass: Mon., Wed., Fri., at 8:30 AM
- Tues., Thurs., at 6:30 AM
Every Wednesday immediately following the 8:30AM Mass. Evening Prayer and Benediction is celebrated at 7:00PM
Perpetual Adoration is held the first Wednesday of the month. -
Saturday 3:15-4:15PM or by appointment.
Livestream of daily and weekend Mass:
- Facebook: Click here
- Vimeo: Click here
- Cathedral Livestream: Click here
Call : (610) 449-1613
Email: office@annunciationparish.com -

March 2025:
March 5-6- Perpetual Adoration beginning at 9am on March 5
March 5- Ash Wednesday: Masses at 6:30 & 8:30 am.
Prayer Service at 7pm. Ashes will be distributed. Confessions available from 6:30-7pm.March 5- DMI Survey is LIVE! Take the survey HERE.
March 22 & 23- Hospitality Weekend! Hospitality events after all Masses in celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation.
March 25- Feast of the Annunciation
March 31- Lenten Confessions 7pm
April 2025:
April 3- Lenten Talk with Will Murley on the topic of almsgiving and financial stewardship at 7:30pm
April 10- Last day to complete the DMI Survey!
April 13: Palm Sunday
April 13: Taize Concert at 7pm
April 17: Mass of the Lord’s Supper
April 18: Good Friday Mass at 3pm
April 18: Stations of the Cross 7pm
April 19: Easter Vigil Mass at 8pm
April 20: Easter Sunday Mass at 7:30a and 10:30a