Implementation Team Updates

The Implementation Team is a team of parishioners working to implement our Parish Priority Plan crafted in collaboration with the Catholic Leadership Institute through their program called "Next Generation Parish" and our Envisioning Team. Using a variety of different data sources, the Envisioning Team created a plan for our parish to use as a guiding document for the 3-year long journey towards becoming a Next Generation Parish.  This document includes a vision statement, our parish purpose statement, priorities, and 7 specific, actionable goals for us to work towards as a parish community.

This full plan document can be viewed here.

The team would like to update you on what our parish has accomplished since last fall with regard to those 7 goals.

The three priorities we are focused on are Evangelization, Stewardship, and Fellowship. 

Our first goal for Evangelization is to equip at least 25 parishioners by June 2026 to be missionary disciples capable of giving testimony and helping others build a relationship with Jesus. 

  • Since we began last fall, we have trained 21 parishioners through Evangelical Catholic’s Reach More program to grow in intimacy with Christ and to live out their unique apostolates as missionary disciples. This has been demonstrated by our trained parishioners’ courage to share their faith without shame (even on business trips and at sporting events) and by inviting family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors here in Havertown into Bible studies.

Our Second goal for Evalgelization was to Engage at least 12 youth in grades 6 – 12 annually to encounter Christ through shared fellowship in Parish or Diocesan-based activities. 

  • This goal has been met! We have collaborated with other DELCO parishes to form the “DELCO Young Disciples” group that meets every month at a different parish. Our parish will host again in February.

Our third goal for Evangelization is increasing Mass attendance from 400 to 450 by October 2024.

  • We are continuing to track Mass attendance each week to see these trends. So far, we can see that we are increasing in numbers each week compared to our initial data from 2 years ago, and I’m sure you have noticed that the pews are fuller!

For the Stewardship priority, our first goal is to Increase the number of parishioners involved in at least one parish and/or diocesan ministry by 100 people by June 2026. 

  • Because of all of the new activities going on in our parish, this goal has been trending well! We have approximately 25 new people involved in parish ministries so far this year.

  • Plans are being made to highlight the different ministries in our parish in hopes that increasing awareness of the opportunities available will lead to more involvement from parishioners. 

Our second Stewardship goal is to Increase parish giving by $1,000 per week by December 2024. 

  • To make the act of giving even easier for parishioners, we have set up a PayPal account, placed a QR code in the bulletin for both Parish Giving and PayPal, placed a QR code on the TV in the entry, and have a button for “Online Giving” at the top of every single page of our website. 

For the Fellowship priority, our first goal is to Establish a ministry dedicated to supporting parishioners experiencing major life events by June 2026. 

  • We have narrowed down the “major life events” to focus on maternity and motherhood as well as an addiction ministry. We are actively seeking input on the development of these ministries. If you have ideas that you would like to share, feel free to email me. My email address can be found on the front of the bulletin as well as on the website.

Our second goal for the Fellowship priority is to create a ministry By June 2024 to welcome new members to the parish in a way that draws them into the purpose and vision of the parish and invites them to form new relationships in the parish so that at least 50% of new parishioners remain connected one year after they first registered.

  • This ministry has been created and has reached out to new parishioners to personally invite them to events. Announcements are being made monthly in the bulletin to welcome new parishioners. We are currently planning to send Christmas cards out to these new families. We are also welcoming new members to this ministry and would love to have you involved. 

Thank you for your attention, your prayers, and for your help as we become a Next Generation Parish. 


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