Implementation team updates!

The Implementation Team has been hard at work to put our Parish Priority Plan into action! Over the past few months, a lot of headway has been made and we are excited to share with you the progress. 

Priority #1: Evangelization

Contact: Mary Barry,

  • Goal 1: We plan to equip at least 25 parishioners by June 2026 to be missionary disciples capable of encountering others, giving testimony, helping someone build a relationship with Jesus, and equipping others to share their experience. 

    • We have been working with Evangelical Catholic to equip leaders in our parish with the tools they need to become missionary disciples. Thus far, we have trained 9 parishioners through their “Reach More” program with 6 more being trained this Spring. 

  • Goal 2: Engage at least 12 youth in grades 6 – 12 annually to encounter Christ through shared fellowship in Parish or Diocesan-based activities. 

    • We have partnered with other DELCO parishes to form a “DELCO Young Disciples” youth group for teens in grades 7-12. This group has met three times, with a fourth meeting taking place this weekend! Each event has hosted an average of 40 teens!

  • We have also partnered with Christ in the City to prepare a group of teens to head into Center City to serve lunch to the homeless of Philadelphia. This service project will take place on May 11th. 

  • Goal 3: By October 2024, we will increase Mass attendance 400 – 450 during the October count. 

    • We have begun taking counts at every Mass to see how our attendance trends throughout the year, versus only having data from our October counts. 

Priority #2: Stewardship

Contact: Dave Patten,

  • Goal 1: Increase the number of parishioners involved in at least one parish and/or diocesan ministry by 100 people by June 2026. 

    • Because of all of the new activities going on in our parish, this goal has been trending well! We have approximately 25 new people involved in parish ministries so far this year.

  • Goal 2: Increase parish giving by $1,000 per week by December 2024. 

    • To make the act of giving even easier for parishioners, we have set up a PayPal account, placed a QR code in the bulletin for both Parish Giving and PayPal, placed a QR code on the TV in the entry, and the new website will have a button for “Online Giving” at the top of every single page. 

Priority #3- Fellowship

Contact: Jericha Dethlefs,

  • Goal 1: Establish a ministry dedicated to supporting parishioners experiencing major life events by June 2026. 

    • This ministry is in its infancy. The Fellowship Priority Team is actively considering ways to support parishioners and defining “significant life events” that would benefit from this ministry. Your feedback and involvement would be very appreciated!

  • Goal 2: By June 2024, create a ministry to welcome new members to the parish in a way that draws them into the purpose and vision of the parish and invites them to form new relationships in the parish so that at least 50% of new parishioners remain connected one year after they first registered.

    • This ministry has been created and is looking for more volunteers! We have begun to welcome new parishioners by calling and personally inviting them to our Hospitality Sunday weekends throughout the year. Once we have enough volunteers, we would love to set up a buddy-system that connects a new parishioner or family to an existing parish family. 

A very special thanks to all of the Implementation Team and volunteers who have been working to achieve these goals! We are well on our way towards becoming a NEXT GENERATION PARISH!

To find out more about the Next Generation Parish process, the Implementation Team, or to read the completed Parish Priority Plan, visit: 

To become more involved in one of our Priority teams, please reach out to the contact person listed under each Priority!




April Hospitality Sunday!